A Word About Techniques

While the techniques I use are powerful, as you’ll discover in the following descriptions, they are not the “essence” of my work. My philosophy of healing, my relationship with each client, and the principles that underlie my work are the real essence of the healing experience at Rosenberg Psychological.

I use each technique with the knowledge and permission of each client. Together we decide what is called for. If a technique feels as though it’s a “misfit” to a client or myself, I don’t use it – once we’ve fully considered and discussed it. In addition, I don’t use every technique with each and every client.

Imago Therapy

As an Advanced Certified Imago Couples Therapist I can also help you understand the dynamics of your past relationships and help you break the patterns that keep you unsatisfied, greatly increasing your capacity to sustain a long-term committed relationship

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

“The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven.” – John Milton

This helps clients cope better by learning how they color their experience with their thoughts. It involves identifying dysfunctional thinking patterns and irrational beliefs and replacing them with healthier more functional patterns. In addition it can involve “behaving as if”, by changing a behavior and then discovering the feelings and thoughts associated with the behavior change, thus uncovering the source of the original behavior.

Experiential Techniques

Emotional Release Work Uses physical movement and sound to express emotion and release energy from the body

Role-playing and Empty Chair dialogues teach new ways to express oneself and learn new behaviors as well as help release old patterns and feelings.

I also do “Parts” work. Most of us know that we have conflicting parts within us. Parts work identifies the parts of us operating within an issue and works to bring those parts into greater harmony.


I use hypnosis largely to help my clients relax and learn to create a sense of calm within themselves.

How To Suggest Someone See A Therapist

FIRST: Be gentle and nonjudgmental

If the person is sharing and talking about their difficulty it may be helpful to:

Let them know that you understand how hard what they are going through is, and that you care.

Let them know you are not “dumping” them on a therapist, but rather want them to have the benefit of a therapist’s expertise and objectivity.

It can be helpful to express the fact that the large majority of us can make use of a therapist’s objective skill at some point in our lives. It’s wise to use a professional just as it is wise to use a dentist, chiropractor, vehicle mechanic, or veterinarian.

If their behaviors are the reason you want to suggest therapy to them:

It may be helpful to simply complete the sentence, “I notice lately that you are ______ (more nervous, seem down, seem angry, have trouble getting their work done, etc.).” Suggest that they share what is happening for them that may be causing those behaviors. Then you are in a good position to follow the suggestions above.